Quicksand ahead? Foresight can help.

Quicksand ahead? Foresight can help.

Software has become a part of our daily lives. Some of you may have invested in software companies — or even social media like Meta. But can software companies be liable for the health issues that afflict their users? It’s a relevant question whether you use social media or invest in it. So having some foresight into these legal issues is invaluable to avoid legal quicksand.

New York City recently sued Meta, among others, in California. There is an article I penned for the U.K. based Society for Computers & Law that delves into the case. In short, N.Y.C. is seeking to hold companies like Meta liable for the negative health affects that the city alleges afflict its residents. Where the lawsuit ends up will have ramifications for the AI marketplace among other technologies.

Content and Tech — or vs. Tech?

Content and Tech — or vs. Tech?

As we start the year, I thought it would be good to raise for your attention this question: is your business content strategy helped by your technologies — or is it hindered? Food for thought during your next company outing.

Think about this. Former Google CEO, Mr. Eric Schmidt, co-authored the book The Age of AI,” which is about the the benefits — and costs — of AI. The book has received a lot of favorable press by the likes of the Wall Street Journal.

What if Mr. Schmidt wrote the whole book using ChatGPT? And consider if the technology used data — writings — from your company’s stash of information about AI? This raises copyright considerations. What is more, there is a slew of marketing material out there where you can get reviews of your content artificially, as related in this FTC warning.

So when you are thinking about using a bright shiny technology to prepare your content, due care should be taken in 2025. Outsourcing — automating — content making is something that is quite popular

But there remain legal issues to consider.

In the meantime, please reach out to me with any legal questions within my expertise. My office is here to navigate your business through this thicket of tech legalities.

AI and finance: friends, foes, or somewhere in between?

AI and finance: friends, foes, or somewhere in between?

Artificial intelligence (“AI”) has been the craze — particularly in fintech. From banks to apps, AI is increasingly being used for data analytics — among other things. It is also being used in commercial banking. But what are some of the issues in using AI for the financial aspects of your business? This concern is all the more apt for large data sets — when you receive complex information from different sources. How can you be sure that the data you are using is reliable? Find out more in this podcast I launched with the London based AI Accelerator Institute. It’s an interview of Mr. Daniel Wu, an AI expert from JP Morgan.

No music license needed! AI scraped it.

No music license needed! AI scraped it.

Music licensing. Whether it’s a Willie Nelson sample or otherwise to use in your company’s advertisement, permission is generally needed. But does artificial intelligence (“AI”) change this? Some say AI can crawl samples and mash them — making licensing unnecessary.

That’s until your company gets sued for copyright infringement.

To find out more, an understanding of music permissions is needed. Please click here for a short presentation from the Ella Project in New Orleans. As you will hear, music licensing is tricky.

Walmart has your number: why?

Walmart has your number: why?

Your consumer data — how does Walmart use it? From your computer’s location to your buying habits, the commercial behemoth stores this information. Walmart isn’t alone — others you buy from on and offline use your data for predictive analytics.

How can you use consumer data to help with the growth of your business?

Find out more. Please click here for an interview I did of Mr. Abuchi Okeke, a software engineer from Walmart. It’s part of a series I launched with the AI Accelerator Institute — titled “AI Keyhole” — about AI evolution, applications, and policy.

Computer hacked? Read this.

Computer hacked? Read this.

Many of us use computers for our work. In some cases, your company will have insurance that covers damage to the computer caused by a circumvention (a/k/a “hack”) of the software. Can your company take the software company to court when that happens — or must the case go to arbitration? The answer can depend on the contract with the software company and whether the hack was by a private actor. Please read more in this recent article from the Silicon Valley Arbitration & Mediation Center that I penned. Please click here for more.

By knowing more about the types of contracts your business enters into in connection with cyber related issues, the better off your business will be.

Pre-revenue AI stock. Evaluation impossible?

Pre-revenue AI stock. Evaluation impossible?

From retail to social media, artificial intelligence (“AI”) is increasingly being used to supplement — or substitute — human decision making.

But how much are pre-revenue AI companies worth?

Whether you are investing in this market or seeking to scale your company that uses AI technology, the question is relevant. Please click here to read a recent article I wrote for TechCrunch on the subject.

Federal injunction: shocked?

Federal injunction: shocked?

Trademarks have gotten some press. Recently, The Wall Street Journal ran an article about a dispute between Italian restaurant owners in Dallas over the word “Carbone’s” for their respective outposts.

What happens when one owner registers the mark before others?

Whether you own your own business or invest in a market, naming is important — and costly. If you launch a brand and invest in its goodwill without knowing the trademark landscape, your business can be sued and stopped.

Find out more in this article I wrote for the National Federation of Independent Business.

My AI Did It

My AI Did It

“My AI did it.” One could imagine a company responding this way when facing a lawsuit for, say, an artificial intelligence (“AI”) powered robot gone astray. But can this response be a legally viable defense? Find out more in this article for New Matter, a publication of the California Lawyers Association, that I wrote. Please click HERE to download it.

Mathematics of AI: Everyday Importance

Mathematics of AI: Everyday Importance

What is the math behind artificial intelligence (“AI”)? From facial recognition technology to online shopping, AI uses algorithms. But what are they and how important is the data that is used? Find out more in this podcast interview I did in conjunction with the AI Accelerator Institute in London of Professor Christian Igel, of the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Computer Science:

This podcast is the second in a series entitled “AI Keyhole: Evolution, Applications & Policy.” For more information on the date and guest for the next installment about AI and fintech, please e-mail the host — Ryan — at rlong@landapllc.com or Tim Mitchell at the Institute: tim@aiacceleratorinstitute.com.